Emotions Untapped
Welcome to the Emotions Untapped podcast, the show where we uncover all the information you need to better understand, use and manage your emotions in a positive way. When we understand our thoughts feelings and emotions we not only become more familiar with ourselves but also can foster healthier relationships with others. If you're aim is to relieve stress, communicate effectively and defuse conflict, empathise with others, overcome challenges and overall just have more meaningful relationships, then you've come to the right place. If you are searching for direction and more fulfillment in your life then the Emotions Untapped podcast was made for you. Each week we sit souind with therapists, experts, thought leaders, healers and so many more to bring you the tools and insights you need to start living a more emotionally intelligent life now.
Emotions Untapped
#002 Thriving as a Step Parent: Emotional and Self-Responsibility Essentials
As a step parenting expert and advisor to parenting coaches, Maria Natapov shares with us how being a child to divorced parents and now a step parent herself has given her a full toolkit of understanding and empathy towards her own step daughter and the struggles she faced as a child of abuse.
In this episode we dive into:
- Maria’s personal journey of trauma from a narcissistic relationship which led to divorce
- important relationship aspects in blended families
- understanding & supporting children’s emotions
- cultivating healthy connection in blended families
- recognizing how abusive behavior affects a child and how they ‘react’
- supporting a child experiencing abuse
- self responsible parenting
- being available and open to create emotional safety in a household
- and so much more!
Maria has developed a signature 4-step energy-focused process combined with Rapid Resolution modality, which helps families transition from chaos to harmony. She has helped numerous blended families foster more harmonious family dynamics through her VIP Stepparenting Breakthrough support model and her podcast, Synergistic Stepparenting.
To learn more about how to work with Maria:
Visit her website at www.SynergisticStepparenting.com.
Listen to her podcast https://SynergisticStepparenting.com/podcast
Reach out via email at Maria@SynergisticStepparenting.com
Maria is also on Linkedin and Facebook
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